Saturday, October 13, 2012

The War of the Cat Hair

I'm a huge animal lover and will probably always have at least one animal in my life. Right now I have 3, and though I love them, they can cause a huge fashion problem.

I have hair on my clothes constantly.

Cats, dogs, rodents. No matter the animal, if they have hair, they shed, and tufts of hair on your butt is something I think a lot of people struggle with. I have yet to figure out the magical way to not manage to get cat hair on me when I sit down at home, and I have an orange cat which is highly noticable on EVERYTHING. Often times I put my clothes on as the last thing I do before I walk out the door to lessen the contact with my fuzzy friends.

So I can't prevent it. But I can at least get smart about how I try and get all that annoying hair off me.

The first thing I suggest is to stop paying for those sticky rollers. They fill up way to fast, and after the first stroke the tacky ability has greatly decreased. And, if you've ever had a chance to look at a sticky strip, you'll notice that a lot of the surface space is covered with clothing fibers instead of that hair and lint you were originally after. Lame, right?

Do you also know that sticky lint rollers can leave behind a tacky residue that can cause future lint and hair to stick? Yeah, you are actually making the situation worse in the long run. When I found this out I promptly threw out what sticky rollers I had.

The best product I have to fight against lint I actually took from my mom ages ago. Honestly, the thing is older then I am, but it works so well that it's never had to be replaced, and it still works like a charm. It's a lint bar made out of plastic and a durable velvet material. This thing is cool. Run it one way over your pants and the fibers will pick up any loose object on your clothes. Then, when you're done or it's full, rub your hand over the fabric going the opposite way and all the collected debris comes off in a sheet. IT'S AMAZING! And much more eco friendly then anything disposable.

In addition, there is a new product on the market that I've heard about and have seen demonstrations for. It's called a Mr. Sticky and it apparently picks up lint like a sticky roller, but it's made out of rubber and can be rinsed off, so there isn't anything disposable. Now, I'm posting a link to it, but I haven't tried it myself, so if anyone can tell me their experience with one I would love to hear from you!

Have you found any other great products that prevent/remove animal hair?

Good luck!
Lindsay <3

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